Chesterfield Borough Council Private Hire Test

Welcome to TaxiPlus.

Please be aware that you are about to enter your details onto a third-party system which is not owned or hosted by Personnel Checks Ltd trading as TaxiPlus. Please click here to review the privacy policy of this site to understand how your data will be used and stored etc.

The results of your test and your personal data which includes your name, email address, driving licence number will be visible by Personnel Checks Ltd TA TaxiPlus and Chesterfield Borough Council.

Please click here to view TaxiPlus' Privacy Policy.

If you have any questions about how your data will be used please contact TaxiPlus via email at

When sitting the test, you must adhere to the below:

will switch off any mobile phones or other electronic devices not required to take the test.

will not be able to use any written material and will not take notes or write anything down

Any attempt to cheat will result in the test being immediately void and count as an automatic failure. And may result in you being refused to take any further tests.

The examination may be terminated at any time by the examiner or yourself. If you request to terminate the examination your fee will be forfeited and your test an automatic failure.