Helping Lancashire Get Back to Work

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Getting Lancashire Back to Work 

In the latest edition of the Chamber of Commerce’s (COCs) webinar series the focus was getting Lancashire back to work. Discussing best practice for HR and hiring managers in a rapidly changing world. 

The recruitment landscape has changed significantly over the course of the pandemic. Unfortunately, it has led to business closures and job losses the nation over.  

The BBC report, claims for unemployment benefits have increased 120% between March and August. In the Lancashire-14 area, this equates to an increase of around 30,000 people receiving jobseekers allowance. 


What does this mean? 

Anyone currently recruiting for a role is likely to be inundated with applicants.  

Making the right recruitment decisions are vital to ensure your business is prosperous. Even more important in the current climate. But with such a bounty of candidates available it becomes inherently difficult to choose.  

Ultimately, employing the wrong people can cause damage to your business and it’s reputation.  

However in efforts to whittle down the numbers, it is easy to unwittingly implement illegal or discriminatory recruitment practices. Even things like googling someone’s name can be a legally contentious topic.  

Rise of remote working and continuing social distancing measures mean employers are more likely to employ someone without meeting them. At Personnel Checks we have even taken on a new CMO and CTO during the pandemic. 

However, not meeting someone can be risky. Interviewing over Zoom or Skype can sometimes impede your understanding of a potential employee. Will they fit with you company culture? Do they present themselves appropriately? Can they back up their credentials? 


What can we do? 

Watch this episode of the COC’s webinar series. Its is a great starting point. Covering many aspects of recruitment best practice and things you’ve probably never considered!  

Check your recruitment policy with a professional. COC sponsors, Forbes Solicitors are experts in this field and membership to the chamber also includes help with legal consultations. 

Employment law can be a nightmare at the best of times and you don’t want to leave your business open to a lawsuit. People don’t need to be applying for a job with you to make a claim. 

Check potential employees. Knowing your staff is essential. 2019 saw the biggest ever increase of cases passed to the National Fraud Database. 

61% of these cases involved identity fraud. Other common forms of dishonesty and deceit were employee theft, false qualification and references and hiding an adverse financial history. 

Personnel Checks are offering a free 30-minute safeguarding consultation for all Lancashire based businesses. Any COC member who does choose to process background checks with us would also be eligible for discounted rates. 

In these strange times it is important we look after our local economy and workforce. Businesses, across the county, working together as a community is vital. Sharing our skills and knowledge with each other will ensure we all bounce-back to ‘pre-covid' prosperity. 

For more information about anything in this article, or, how our background screening solutions can help you, get in touch! You can give us a call on 01254 355688 or drop us an email at


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