DBS Eligibility: Clarification on Child & Adult Workforce (Dual Roles)

The DBS receive loads of enquiries about applicants that work within both the Child and Adult Workforce and which level of check they should apply for.  

Some applicants for example, are eligible for an Enhanced DBS check in one workforce but only a standard check in the other. The DBS would refer to this as a dual role. These roles can be quite complicated in terms of eligibility. This is why the DBS have released guidance on how these DBS applications should be processed. 

They provided the example of: 

“A cleaner who is contracted by an agency to work in schools (or any other specified establishment) and also general hospitals. 

In this case the individual meets the conditions for working in a specified establishment and is eligible for an enhanced DBS check in the child workforce, but only eligible for a standard check in the adult workforce for their work in general hospitals.” 

How do I know which Workforce is right?

It is very common for roles to be eligible for an Enhanced DBS Check for the purposes of working with children, however, eligibility for the Adult Workforce is considerably more complicated. Before submitting a DBS application, you should carefully consider which check is appropriate for each workforce. 

It is not necessary to submit two DBS applications in the case above. Look at the DBS workforce guidance here. Following this guidance will ensure the correct workforce is applied for and reduce any potential delays. 

Which level of check do I need to submit for dual roles?

If you are certain that a role is eligible for a Standard DBS check for one Workforce but eligible for the Enhanced DBS check for the other Workforce (with or without a barred lists check), then an Enhanced DBS check should be submitted. 

In these cases, only the Workforce relevant to a role's eligibility for the Enhanced DBS check should be entered in section x61 of the application form. In the example above, only the child workforce should be entered which means the appropriate workforce checks will be completed at the police force. This will reduce delays that could happen at this stage in the process.

Will I receive the same disclosure information? 

When a certificate is issued for dual purposes such as the above example, the applicant will still receive the same information for the standard level workforce – which includes details of spent and unspent convictions, cautions, reprimands and warnings – as if a standard DBS application had been submitted separately. 

If a separate standard only level application is still required for a DBS check, it should still be submitted with the relevant workforce to avoid it being rejected once submitted. 

For more information about which workforce is appropriate for you and your staff, or, how our screening solutions can help you, get in touch! You can give us a call on 01254 355688 or drop us an email at letstalk@personnelchecks.co.uk


Requesting DBS Certificate Numbers


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